Flamboyant draperies from Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu have made an impression in every corner of the fashion world. This scintillating zari woven Kanjivaram Silk comes in shades of comforting beautiful with a striking border and an overall design to proffer you a completely exquisite and impressive look. Choose this and take home a well-spun tale of South Indian charm.SAREE SPECIFICATIONS:Fabric: Kanjivaram Silk Colour: Sky Work Type: Zari Wooven Border
BLOUSE SPECIFICATION:Fabric: Kanjivaram Silk Colour: PinkWork Type: Jacquard WeavingStitching Type: UnstitchedSET CONTAIN:Saree With Blouse Piece In The Box: 1 Saree :: 1 Blouse Piece,Saree : 5.50Mtr :: Blouse Piece: 0.80MtrLEGAL DESCRIPTION:Product Care Instructions: Dry Clean OnlyThere Might Be Minor Colour Variation Between Actual Product And Image Shown On Screen Due To Lighting On The Photography.